Graduate Opportunities


School of Graduate Studies Funding Opportunities

Funding can be used for Scholarly Travel, Professional Development Travel and Initiatives and Interdisciplinary Symposia, Seminars, and Workshops. Proposals are reviewed twice a year:

1. September 1 for activities that occur September through December

2. December 30 for activities that occur January through June

Details on each award and how to apply can be found in the Grad Student Hub.

MEM Fellowship Opportunities

Fellowship and scholarship opportunities provided through Western specific to MEM students.

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MS Ecology Fellowship Opportunities

Specific to the MS Ecology program, this link will provide you with fellowship and scholarship opportunities.

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Graduate Student Travel Support

Acknowledging that airfares and travel costs in general are rapidly rising, the MEM program is making available a modest fund to support student travel.  The following activities are eligible:

  1. Travel associated with Clark School events, graduation, or field experiences integrated into courses; any MEM distance student may apply for up to $250 in one academic year. 

  2. Travel associated with MEM’s international courses (e.g. Costa Rica, India, etc.); any enrolled MEM student may apply for up to $500 in one academic year.

Consideration will be given to students who submit a brief 1-page narrative that describes the proposed use of the funding to defray the cost of attendance.  The narrative should include discussion of financial need, as well as a draft budget illustrating how this funding will lower the total expected travel expenses.  Applications should be sent to Program Facilitator Lindsay Dolezal ( and MEM Director Micah Russell (  Please plan on submitting your application at least one month prior to the intended travel. 

Grossman Scholarship, Volunteer for Outdoor CO — Applications due in late February

Graduating high school students, graduate students, and non-traditional students are all invited to apply! Learn More

The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance - Applications accepted on a rolling basis

The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) offers scholarships for students from underserved communities interested in volunteering on public lands in Utah. Students earn $450 toward education costs (as well as additional logistical, gear and travel stipend assistance) to work with the program on restoration projects in Utah. Here is the project calendar.


Haley Fund - $3,000 in support of MEM project (5 scholarships available)

Funds are available each semester and are due on September 20th and April 15th.

Gunnison Valley Climate Change Coalition (GVC3) - MEM Grad Student Opportunity

GVC3 is offering an additional internship opportunity to work on the 2023 – 2024 Gunnison Valley Municipal-Scale Compost Implementation Plan (Phase II). This project will count on Dannah Leeman and Nicole Blaser as your community sponsor. Please, read the linked call for a MEM Project with the project description. The intern will be supported between $3000 – $5000 to help with travel and costs incurred in the project.

 Please, contact Dr. Ricardo for more information and to schedule an interview with Dannah Leeman and Nicole Blaser.

Helman Environmental Athlete Award - Rolling Application: award up to $10,000

Student athletes who are passionate about sustainability and the environment are considered for a Helman Environmental Athlete Award which honors past Western Colorado University President Jay Helman, who encouraged the creation of the Environment and Sustainability Major and the Master in Environmental Management program during his tenure at Western. The fellowship gives NCAA student athletes an opportunity to pursue their graduate degree while continuing their passion for athletics. Awardees will serve as either assistant coaches in Western’s athletics department or applicants with athletic eligibility from underserved backgrounds are also invited to apply as a student athlete. This year we particularly seek students who can coach in women’s soccer, swimming and diving, and track and field, though applicants are welcome from any NCAA sport. Please contact Gillian Bauer at for more information.

Western Colorado University’s Sustainability Fund

Students aiming to make positive sustainable changes on our campus are encouraged to apply for the Sustainability Fund! The Sustainability Fund accepts diverse ideas, but funding is only available to full-time undergraduate students. Learn more and apply here. Previous Sustainability Fund projects have included: water bottle fill stations, the bike library, the forest garden, recycling bins, and Chipeta Gardens projects. If you have any questions email

Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship - $25,000 (2 scholarships available)

The Wilderness Society, a leading conservation organization based in Washington, D.C., offers an annual scholarship, available to qualified graduate students. We award $25,000 each to two currently-enrolled graduate students to support their research and preparation of a paper on an aspect of wilderness. T. A. Barron created the Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship in honor of his mother, Gloria Barron, a dedicated educator and tireless advocate for wilderness protection.

Applicants for the Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship must: be currently enrolled in an accredited graduate institution in North America at the time of application; have strong academic qualifications; and have academic and/or career goals focused on making a significant positive difference in the long-term protection of wilderness in the United States. The scholarship is open to applicants from any graduate discipline, including sciences, law, social sciences, etc.

For more information on the Scholarship and how to apply, click here. The deadline to apply for the 2025 cycle is April 15th.