Check out what else is going at Western and in the Community!

2023 Wildlife Sound Recording Workshop
The Wildlife Sound Recording Workshop once again returns to San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus this June 10-17, 2023. The Field Campus is situated near Sattley, CA in the Tahoe National Forest at 6,000 feet elevation, with nearby locations offering a wide range of recording opportunities and challenges in spectacular surroundings.
Learn state-of-the-art techniques for recording and analyzing the sounds of wildlife with expert instructors. Whether you are a budding citizen scientist or experienced researcher, this week-long workshop, is designed to develop you into a capable field recordist. Lecture topics cover the selection and application of audio recorders and microphones, recording theory, metering, recording techniques, and documentation for sound recordings. The course includes daily field recording sessions and lectures/discussions. The course also includes an introduction to analyzing sounds and making simple measurements with analysis software.
Your instructors are Greg Budney, Ana Luiza Camargo Catalano, and Adele Binning.
Tuition is $950. Food and lodging costs are calculated upon registration. Enrollment is limited to 14 participants. REGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOP
Questions regarding the workshop are welcomed. Please contact Greg Budney,
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - $
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home. Save money by reserving your spot today and make a positive difference in your career!
Cost: $200 - Students can use the coupon code ‘green’ for $50 off (Discounted course price $150)
Save your seat by registering here for our live or self-paced options -
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - $
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home. Save money by reserving your spot today and make a positive difference in your career!
Cost: $200 - Students can use the coupon code ‘green’ for $50 off (Discounted course price $150)
Save your seat by registering here for our live or self-paced options -
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at
Congratulations to ALL of our graduating students! We are so proud and excited to see what the future will hold for you!

Joint LTER Network and CESU Network Career Forum
Are you a graduate student curious about a career at a federal agency?
Join us to meet agency ecologists from around the nation and learn about their career paths, backgrounds, job responsibilities, benefits and challenges, and ‘a day in their life.
Bring your questions and join a lively discussion! Click here for more information and registration.
This event will run from 5:00-7:00 MST!

Big Shift in Recycling Presentation and Discussion!
Western Colorado University Facilities is currently evaluating a big shift with our current recycling program and we would love for you to be a part of that process. We have requested Waste Management’s Public Sector Solutions Manager for the Four Corners Market Area come and do a presentation on what they have to offer. It will then be followed up with an open questions and answer session. The presentation will be in the North Conference Room at the University Center, 9:30am, Friday, April 21st. Please mark your calendars.
We understand that past programs like this there have been many rumors like “it all just goes to the landfill”. We are confident that is not the case anymore and would love for you to come and see how it works now, along with getting any questions you may have answered.
Moving to the Single Stream program would also be moving Western towards a much more sustainable future in addition to better aligning us with most all other major universities in Colorado and elsewhere. (paste the link below into your browser to see a short video of WM’s sorting facility.
Any questions related to Western and the implementation of such a program can be directed to the Facilities Department. Contact either Jason Grosse, Custodial Manager @, or Sherry Ford, AVP of Campus Operations and Construction @
Federal Webinars: USDA Forest Service – Eligibilities & Qualifications Webinar
The Forest Service is hosting webinars to help you through the application process. Join us and get answers to your questions! This webinar runs from 3:00-4:00 MST! Register HERE!
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - $
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home. Save money by reserving your spot today and make a positive difference in your career!
Cost: $200 - Students can use the coupon code ‘green’ for $50 off (Discounted course price $150)
Save your seat by registering here for our live or self-paced options -
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at
University Strategic Plan Feedback Session
We have three opportunities over the next two weeks for participation in interactive workshops that will more clearly define the initiatives underlying Western’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. I hope you’ll attend one of these sessions:
· Thursday, April 13, 12:30 – 1:45pm, University Center Ballroom
· Wednesday April 19, 4pm-5:30 pm, online only, link to be provided next week
· Thursday, April 20, 12:30, students only, details forthcoming
No matter which session you plan to attend, please familiarize yourself with the draft strategic plan and initiatives ahead of the meeting. With the goals already having received considerable attention, the conversation will focus on the initiatives under each goal.
Federal Webinars: Navigating USAJOBS Webinar
The Forest Service is hosting webinars to help you through the application process. Join us and get answers to your questions! This webinar runs from 3-4 MST! Register HERE!

Valley Boulder Bash!
Get excited for another Valley Boulder Bash at the Western Climbing Wall!
On Saturday, April 8th, we invite individuals of all climbing ability to attend our bi-annual bouldering competition for a night of stoke and sends. Setters are hard at work brainstorming fun and exciting routes, improving their creativity and craftsmanship with every comp. All competitors will receive a specialized Valley Boulder Bash sticker with registration and a chance at prizes donated by local sponsors.
Online registration is $20.00, registration at the door the night of the comp will be $25.00. Come throw down at the Valley Boulder Bash!
Register for the Valley Boulder Bash Here
Federal Webinars: USDA Forest Service - Resume Webinar
The Forest Service is hosting webinars to help you through the application process. Join us and get answers to your questions. This webinar runs from 3:00-4:00 MST! Register for this event HERE!
Haley Fund Q&A with Dr. Russel!
Zoom link to Attend:
A recording will be available if you cannot attend, contact Dr. Russel for the recording.
Federal Webinars: USDA Forest Service - Tips for Job Seekers Webinar
The Forest Service is hosting webinars to help you through the application process. Join us and get answers to your questions! This webinar runs from 3:00-4:00 MST! Register HERE!
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - $
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home. Save money by reserving your spot today and make a positive difference in your career!
Cost: $200 - Students can use the coupon code ‘green’ for $50 off (Discounted course price $150)
Save your seat by registering here for our live or self-paced options -
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at
Federal Webinar - Find and Apply for Pathways Programs (Federal Internships)
A representative of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management introduces the Federal Pathways Programs for students and recent graduates. By the end of this session, you will understand the three Pathways Programs, i.e., the Internship Program, Recent Graduates Program and Presidential Management Fellows Program; know eligibility requirements for each Program and learn how you can find and apply for positions under each of the Pathways Programs. This event runs from 1:30-2:30 ET! Register HERE!
Gunnison Valley Summer Job Fair
Join us for a job fair!! Over 20 employers will be on-campus to recruit for summer jobs and internships, many located here in the Gunnison Valley! Bring your resume and business casual dress is recommended. Register on Handshake or just stop on by!
Federal Webinars - Interviewing for Federal Jobs
Join the staff of the Recruitment Policy and Outreach division of the Office of Personnel Management, for an in-depth presentation on the Federal Government interview process. It explains the types of interviews, delivery methods, common questions, responding using the Situation/Task, Action, Result (STAR) method and preparing for an interview. The event is online from 1-2:30 ET! Register for this event HERE!
Proposal Writing: Explaining the Project in One Paragraph
Hosted by CU-Boulder, register here!
Application Statements: Research, Teaching, Diversity
Hosted by CSU-Ft. Collins, register using this link!
FREE LinkedIn Headshot Day #2
Missed the first date? No problem! Stop by Trailhead in the UC to get a free headshot!